Saturday, 11 December 2010

University Funding

Well the debate has been had in the House of Commons and the student riots have taken place. The students of course have lost a great deal of support  by their actions, whilst recognising the right to peaceful demonstration there is no nor can there ever be any justification to take part in the kind of appalling activity that was seen in London on Thursday.
 The truth of the matter is that the last government created the circumstances whereby the Government have had to make serious cuts in every field of public spending, I regret greatly that such cuts have had to be made but there there just isn't any alternative. In early 1950, in 1979/80 and now a Conservative Government has had to sort out a financial mess created by three past Labour Governments.
As was so eloquently put by the last Labour Secretary to the Treasury, “the money has all gone" that is the legacy of the last Government.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Lib Dems Exposed

It should come as no surprise to read that the Liberal Democrats have reneged on one of their manifesto pledges of 2003 (The Press 6 Dec.). The Liberal Democrats throughout the country have perfected the art of speaking with “forked tongue” and in so speaking have let down their electors.

It is easy to make promises and here in York we have seen the Liberal Democrats make promises and then fail to live up to those promises with the  consequence that the Citizens of York have been badly let down on a number of occasions since they took control in 2003.

Having been involved in local politics in different areas for over 40 years I have always taken great care in not making any pledge that I couldn’t deliver, indeed the only pledges I have given in the past is to work hard to represent those that elect me and to work to improve the area I represent, those same pledges will be given by me next May when I stand for re-election in Bishopthorpe.

I believe that over the past three years I have lived up to that pledge to the full, whilst the Liberal Democrats have shown that they can’t be trusted nor should they be.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Allerton Park Incinerator

The incinerator at Allerton Park is becoming more of a reality after the Executives of the City of York Council and North Yorkshire County Council have recommended the scheme.
The full Council at City of York will make the final decision at next week's Council Meeting. No doubt the public gallery will be full of objectors and no doubt a number will register to speak. As a member of the Council I have no intention of declaring my support or opposition to the scheme prior to the meeting. However I will make the point that the objectors are using false and very misleading arguments in their opposition campaign which really does not advance their argument at all. I readily admit that there are issues to address around funding and maybe the visual impact of the facility. I will listen to the debate next week carefully and cast my vote after weighing up all the issues.